How to install RosettaDB in your local machine
Use Cases
How to use CLI
Moving from one database to another can be challenging, but with proper planning and execution, it is possible. Here’s how to migrate from PostgreSQL to MySQL.
Data accuracy is crucial in any business, as it affects decision-making and overall performance. Ensuring test data accuracy can be achieved through proper testing methodologies and tools.
To generate Spark Python and Scala data transfer code, you can use various libraries and frameworks such as PySpark and Scala Spark. Check out this resource for more information.
Generating DDL (Data Definition Language) is an essential step in creating a database schema. There are numerous tools available to help generate DDL automatically

Declarative Data Modeling for your Data Warehouses in BigQuery
Using RosettaDB, a declarative data modeler and transpiler, you can convert a company’s transactional data from a PostgreSQL database to a BigQuery data warehouse in just a few steps. This involves configuring connections for both databases, generating DBML models, compiling DDLs, reviewing the generated files, and applying changes to the target database.

Comparing Liquibase with RosettaDB
Liquibase simplifies managing database changes by enabling developers to specify them using SQL or formats such as XML, YAML, and JSON. This makes it easy to push out changes to different database types. RosettaDB, on the other hand, converts database objects from one database to another using declarative DBML models. It can also be used as a DBT Model Generator and Database Testing toolkit for your data.
Database Migration with RosettaDB